Interactive Exhibit – Video

Bit of a delay since my last post, my apologies! As I get back into the swing of things, I hope my posts become a bit more regular. Just a quick post today – a short video showing off my project for the Interactive Exhibit Design. Fellow PhD Candidate Steve Marti recorded and produced aContinue reading “Interactive Exhibit – Video”

Interactive Exhibit – Final Thoughts

Having presented our exhibits to the class this past Wednesday, we were asked to provide a brief reflection on our projects. While I was happy with how it turned out, there are definitely some things I’d like to change for any future versions. On the physical model, I think a list of the buildings wouldContinue reading “Interactive Exhibit – Final Thoughts”

Interactive Exhibit – An Insider’s Look

As of yesterday afternoon, my exhibit is up and running without any hitches! As I was going through my images, I found that I still had some that I hadn’t shown yet. One aspect that I wanted to show in some detail was the interior of the buildings. This, however, is rather complicated as, forContinue reading “Interactive Exhibit – An Insider’s Look”

Interactive Exhibit – Details are the Devil

While I knew I wanted to add some detail to my model, I had to narrow down what would be noticeable and, arguably more important, what I was actually able to model. While they may not be the most glamorous or exciting, clothes lines were a necessity and they camp and they also offered meContinue reading “Interactive Exhibit – Details are the Devil”

Interactive Exhibit – Back to the Digital Model

It’s been a few weeks since I’ve last updated this so I thought I had better show what I have been up to! With the physical model complete, the next step was to work on my digital model. Using my existing model as a base, I wanted to add more detail in order to makeContinue reading “Interactive Exhibit – Back to the Digital Model”

Interactive Exhibit – Making Progress

If anyone had told me in my undergrad that I would be building a foam and paper model as part of my PhD coursework, I’m sure I would have thought they were crazy. However, here I am, building a scale replica of a PoW camp in an attempt to make an interactive exhibit. I haveContinue reading “Interactive Exhibit – Making Progress”

Interactive Model of a PoW Camp!

Well I finally settled on a project for my Interactive Exhibit Design class: an interactive model of the prisoner of war camp in Riding Mountain National Park. Having created a digital model of the camp last semester, I wanted to incorporate that work into something that could theoretically be used for a public display. Here’sContinue reading “Interactive Model of a PoW Camp!”

Next Project – Interactive Exhibit Design

This semester I am taking a Interactive Exhibit Design course in which each student designs and creates an interactive exhibit of any shape or form. At the moment, I have two ideas for my project and I’m going to share my first (more on the second later). I am always looking at new ways ofContinue reading “Next Project – Interactive Exhibit Design”